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European Media Freedom Act: la tutela europea della libertà dei media

Published (double-blind peer reviewed) in La rivista di diritto dei media (ANVUR class A journal) no. 3/2022 where the impact of digitisation on the press and on the way citizens are informed is investigated, delving into the European regulatory approach (the European Media Freedom Act).

Il diritto di recesso ex art. 2437-quinquies derivante da raggruppamento di azioni di risparmio

Nota a sentenza Trib. Genova 6695/2020 published in Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti no. 4/2022, under the supervision of Prof. Mario Notari, where the most problematic issues arising from the withdrawal under Article 2437-quinquies of the Italian Civil Code are discussed.

La digitalizzazione nell’UE: una sfida costituzionale

Published (double-blind peer reviewed) in La rivista di diritto dei media (ANVUR class A journal) no. 3/2022 which clarifies how digitisation may be an important way of ensuring the effectiveness of certain constitutional principles, in the light of the Digital Europe Programme.

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